Marina Abramovic’s performance piece “God Punishing.”
“5 Artists Inspired and Shaped by a Place,” by Jeannette Catsoulis
Feminist underground network of super information collectors spying on the other side, using their tactics to inform our battle plans, an array of guerrilla knowledge spreaders, awareness promotion of radical views, world take over, freedom from chains, walkie talkies, steel toed boots, uniforms, berets, rape whistles, nunchucks, swords
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Marina Abramovic’s performance piece “God Punishing.”
“5 Artists Inspired and Shaped by a Place,” by Jeannette Catsoulis
So here's what Feminist Fight Club is y’all: We're underground. We will have bloodied knuckles and ink stained hands by the end of it, because we have some big old boogey men to fight. Our intent is to stare ourselves in the eye- the multifaceted multidimensional wonderful unique interesting beings that make up each and every one of you. The person we are staring at is the flat, consumer driven, fetishized, commodified, familiar yet disturbingly bastardized societal representation of the self that you see every day.
What do we want? Your voices. Any time you're looking at that warped funhouse mirror cultural construction of yourself, reclaim it. Poster? Commercial? Ad on the subway? Article that made you more than a little uncomfortable from a "respectable" news source? Episode of that show that you love to hate that just went too far? Rage on it.
Write your anger and display it publicly; on the train, in your neighborhood, at your school, in your lunch lines; with a link this blog. Take a picture, send it to us, up it goes. If you have rants, email them to us and we will make your voice heard. This is simple social science. An archiving of all the ways we feel the social oppression that infiltrates our daily lives, how deeply we feel that in our gut. Women, men, young (dis)abled, old, any race, anyone who feels like this system is failing their hearts.
This is archaeology, cultural anthology, and if we make enough noise, raise enough rabble (And oh yes. We can) it will be a time capsule that will shock the future that we will be integral in building.
If you're not of the email/posting/rabble rousing variety, you are by all means still welcome! Read, and read deeply. Disagree and say, respectively, why. Just comment anywhere, on any post, to say where you heard about this blog, what you have to say about the whole business. We want this to be a clamor, and that means everyone. Informed dissent is useful and encouraged.
Think watch dog. Think consolidation of information. Access access access. Dissemination. The more we know the more power we have. The more we confront everyday issues of power and domination, the easier it will be to take on the bigger, badder issues that matter to us so so hard.
Relevant creative pieces are totally ok. However you're inspired to express yourself. Depending on volume of submissions and where exactly this little baby blog ends up going, we'll evolve from there. Rachael and I have veto power, but the point is lots of noise so that will probably only happen with extremely irrelevant, insincere, or hateful material for now. We'll probably work out a tag system, start initiating collective creative actions, but let's start with getting this kid on her feet.
1. Write, create, draw, rant, rave (positivity is good too!). Whatever!
2. Send your submissions to feministninjas@gmail.com. Anonymous submissions are absolutely fine, or sign off however you want to be credited. If you have a blog that you want us to link to, include that too.
3. Rachael and I will post your work, unedited (Man, I don’t edit my own work. The way it’s sent is the way it’ll be posted)
4. Advertise! Guerrilla style! Feministninja.blogspot.com. Write it on sidewalks. Tell your friends. The more people you tell, the more people hear what we all have to say.
5. Congratulations, you’re a Feminist Ninja!
~more to come~
I have lots of favorite female artist that I really love.