On Monday, March 2, the NYCLU and One Voice to Save Choice will sponsor a panel discussion on the importance of passing the Reproductive Health Act, legislation that will modernize New York's abortion laws and ensure reproductive rights are protected in the future.
The panel will include Silda Wall Spitzer, former first lady of New York, Galen Sherwin, director of the NYCLU Reproductive Rights Project, and Louise Melling, director of the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project.
The discussion will begin at 7 p.m. and take place at the Congregation Rodeph Sholom at 7 W. 83rd St. in Manhattan. Please be sure to RSVP by sending and e-mail to voicechoice@crsnyc.org.
Join us in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1969 Redstockings Abortion Speakout, where women first spoke publicly about their then-illegal abortions.
Women testified about their dangerous experiences with back-alley abortions, or having to bring a pregnancy to term and give the baby up for adoption. The historic event took place here in the West Village to a crowd of 300 people. Speakouts then spread around the country like wildfire, sparking the Women's Liberation Movement that has won us Roe and so much more.
Panelists will discuss this historic event and how we can use this history in our activism today to win more. Literature and CDs from the Redstockings Archive will be available for sale at a low cost (all proceeds benefit the Archive).
Date: Thursday, March 5th, 2009 from 7 - 8:30pm
Location: Judson Memorial Church
239 Thompson St (at West 3rd St) in the Assembly Hall
Subway: ACE/BDFV to West 4th
More Information: Erin Mahoney at 646-853-7100
Sponsored by The Women's Liberation Birth Control Project and Social Wage Committee with inspiration and source materials from the Redstockings Women's Liberation Archive

Tuesday, March 10, Albany
YOU can help repeal the Rockefeller Drug Laws.
On Tuesday, March 10, New Yorkers will have an historic opportunity to promote the repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. On this day, Drop the Rock’s grassroots coalition will unite hundreds of people from across the state to meet with legislators and pressure policy makers to enact repeal.
Get on the bus! Buses to Albany are leaving from throughout NYC.
- Drop the Rock Advocacy Day Flyer 2009
- Register today: Participant sign-up form Advocacy Day 09
- Organizations interested in participating in Advocacy Day should complete this form by February 24: DTR Organization participation form Advocacy Day 09
If you have any questions please contact Caitlin Dunklee, Drop the Rock Coordinator, at 212-254-5700 x 339 or cdunklee@correctionalassocaition.org.
If you are on parole or probation, and need a letter in order to join us for Advocacy Day, please contact Caitlin Dunklee, Drop the Rock Coordinator, at 212-254-5700 x 339 or cdunklee@correctionalassocaition.org.
Live Loudly,
A pro-choice rally in New York City? Isn't that sort of preaching to the choir? Or more like, preaching to Jesus Christ?